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Road Bike Routes

If you want to ride to your own schedule and at your own pace, but you don't need a riding guide then why not just go by yourself?


When you don't know the area or you don't know which are the most rewarding roads to ride, it's a gamble. Take all that risk out of the equation by following a route ridden many times by our guides. We'll also give you all the info you need to know, such as where you can fill your bottles, grab a snack or sit down for a well earned coffee.


Choose from our list of favourite routes, and simply go and enjoy, knowing that you will always be on the right road.

Routes From Taipei

Give us the location of your hotel, or desired starting point, and we'll tailor the route to start and finish there, and if you need a bike, we'll help you arrange one.


All route statistics shown are taken from a central Taipei starting and finishing point, so actual distances may vary slightly.

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Quiet roads, multiple climbs, river valleys, tea plantations and some of the most isolated roads to be found in the northern region. Stop for a cup of the local Oolong tea in one of the cafes to be found along the route.

Distance: 105km  
Elevation Gain: 1984m
US$ 69

The moment you leave the city you are winding your way upwards until you are surrounded by mountains and volcanos. See the steam rising from the sulphur vents and top it off at a view point 1000m above the city.

Distance: 87km  
Elevation Gain: 1873m
US$ 69

Savour the spectacular view of a reservoir situated deep in a valley surrounded by jungle clad hills. It's incredible to believe you can be so close to a big city when you see mountain ridges for as far as the eye can see.

Distance: 71km  
Elevation Gain: 1276m
US$ 59

Dramatic coastal landscapes with a character of their own. Imagine green mountains 1000m high, plunging directly into the blue of the pacific ocean. Grab a coffee in the Japanese colonial hillside town of Jiufen and see where they mined for gold.

Distance: 118km  
Elevation Gain: 1588m
US$ 69

Take on one of Taipei's most iconic rides, to create the shape of a hand that covers much of the north of the island, taking you over mountains, alongside the coast, through rice fields and past magnificent temples.

Distance: 153km  
Elevation Gain: 3353m
US$ 79

Cycle to a couple of the most challenging and visually stunning climbs that can be found around the north of Taiwan. Serpentine roads open to the views and an iconic road tracing a knife-like ridge.

Distance: 129km  
Elevation Gain: 2134m
US$ 69
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An area that lies deep in the southern mountains, tracing a river gorge in a land of waterfalls and jungle, surrounded on all sides by towering peaks that reach 2000m above you. Ride through, or stop for tea in one of the numerous indigenous villages along the route.

Distance: 98km  
Elevation Gain: 1147m
US$ 59
Image by Anledry Cobos

A wonderful rolling ride that has you heading to the east, to the beach town of Fulong. Ride through stunning valleys, over small hills, through flatter farm land, alongside rivers and train tracks.

Distance: 124km  
Elevation Gain: 1417m
US$ 59
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The most leisurely of all the routes, this circuit of Taipei is mostly flat, tracing all three of Taipei's main rivers on purpose built bike paths, and you'll close the loop with a short climb that offers fine views of the city.

Distance: 72km  
Elevation Gain: 227m
US$ 49

Routes From Hualien & Taitung

Give us the location of your hotel, or desired starting point, and we'll tailor the route to start and finish there.


All route statistics shown are taken from a central Hualien/Taitung starting and finishing point, so actual distances may vary slightly.

Taiwan KOM

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Rift Valley Wandering

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Coastal Cliffs

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Hualien Locale

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Pacific Beaches

Image by Alexa Soh


Valley & Coast



Southern Cross 



Jurassic Park



Taitung North



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